Data Structure Using C

Q 1.    What is Data? Explain its type.
Ans.    Data is Collection of Number, Alphabets and symbols to represent the information. A computer takes row data as input and after processing of data it produces refined data as output. We can also say the computer science is the studies of the data.
There are two types of the Data:
  1. Atomic Data
  2. Composite Data
  • Atomic Data :-> Atomic Data are non-compressible entity.
    • E.g. A Integer Value 123 are not de-decompose 
  • Composite Data :-> Composite Data is a composition of several atomic data and hence data can be further divided into atomic data.
    • E.g. Date of Birth

Data Type





Q 2.    What is Data Type?
Ans.    A data type is a term which refers to the kind of data that variables may hold in a program language
  • E.g. int x; x is a variable of type integer.


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