Install the packages in Linux

Install the PHP/Java/Apache in Linux (For the student of BSc. (Computer Science).You can use the tricks for the Fedora Based System/Debian Based System (Fedora Based System (.rpm) - Redhat, CentOS,Fedora etc/ Debian Based System(.deb) - Ubuntu ,mint,debian etc).

For Fedora Based System:-

  • yum install package-name
    • e.g. yum install php-cli* (for the php-cli package in CentOS/Redhat etc).
  • yum is used to install the online package from the respected OS repo location.
If you have offline package as .rpm so follow this instruction..

  • rpm -q packagename (it is use to query whether package is installed or not)
    • e.g. rpm -q php-cli (To query that PHP interpreter is installed or not
  • for install a rpm package
    • rpm -ivh package-name.rpm
    • e.g. rpm -ivh php-cli_xxx_xxx.rpm (to install the jdk in centos/redhat).
    • xxx_xxx version and build name that means you have to enter the correct name of package and install.

For Debian Based System:-

  • sudo apt-get install package-name
    • e.g. sudo apt-get install php-cli* (for the php-cli package in Ubuntu/Debian/Mint etc).
    • apt-get is used to install the online package from the respected OS repo location.
If you have offline package as .deb so follow this instruction..

  • for install a debpackage
  • sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGENAME.deb
    • e.g. sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb (To install package name in Debian based OS).


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