
Showing posts from 2015

Install the packages in Linux

Install the PHP/Java/Apache in Linux (For the student of BSc. (Computer Science). You can use the tricks for the Fedora Based System/Debian Based System ( Fedora Based System (.rpm) - Redhat, CentOS,Fedora etc/ Debian Based System(.deb)  - Ubuntu ,mint,debian etc). For Fedora Based System:- yum install package-name e.g. yum install php-cli* (for the php-cli package in CentOS/Redhat etc). yum is used to install the online package from the respected OS repo location. If you have offline package as .rpm so follow this instruction.. rpm -q packagename (it is use to query whether package is installed or not) e.g. rpm -q php-cli (To query that PHP interpreter is installed or not for install a rpm package rpm -ivh package-name.rpm e.g. rpm -ivh php-cli_xxx_xxx.rpm  (to install the jdk in centos/redhat). xxx_xxx version and build name that means you have to enter the correct name of package and install. For Debian Based System:- sudo apt-get install

String Operations in PHP

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Strings</title> <style> h3{ font-size: 25px; color: lime; font-size-adjust: true; text-align: center; text-shadow: 2px; } *{ color: skyblue; font-size: 15px; font-family: "Console"; } </style> </head> <body bgcolor="gray"> <h3>String functions</h3> <hr width="1024px"></hr> <center> <pre> <?php $str1="Welcome to tutorital of PHP"; $str2="Thanks for Visiting this Page!!"; //String function and their output.. echo "<h4><u> Original String is (i): {$str1} & (ii) is {$str2}.</u></h4>

PHP function and Keywords used to print on Webpage.

echo or echo() :- It is a function which print the output on the screen and allow to print multi-value or Strings at a time. <?php  $str="Welcome to Learn Computer Tricks and Tips Blog by Rajendra Kumar Yadav."; /* String deceleration */ echo "$str<br>"; echo($str); echo "<br>Welcome to Blog for learning" . $str; ?> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- output of the above program code: Welcome to Learning Computer Tricks and Tips Blog by Rajendra Kumar Yadav. Welcome to Learning Computer Tricks and Tips Blog by Rajendra Kumar Yadav. Welcome to Blog of learning  Welcome to Learning Computer Tricks and Tips Blog by Rajendra Kumar Yadav. print or print() :- It allow to print a message at a time only a single message on the screen. e.g.--- <?php  $str="Welcome to Learn Computer Tricks and Tips Blog by Rajendra K

Strings in PHP, String Functions & Operations on Strings.

String : String is a sequence of Characters. Strings Functions: 1. strlen();  --Returns the length of the String. Strlen() Function source code Length of "Hello World!". 2. strpos(); --Return the position of Substring or Second string in First String else return false. strpos() string position function output of the function 3. strrev(); --Reverse the entered String. Reverse the string strrev() source code Output of original string along with revered string 4. str_word_count(); --Return the Worlds in String Space Separated. str_word_count() return the output total number of word in string. output of the above code. 5. str_replace(); --Function replace the first parameter,with second from third String.      Source Code of str_replace() output of above code.                © 2015 Rajendra Kumar Yadav Learn Computer Tricks and Programming & Learn PHP

Download and Install JDK and Check the Configuration.

Good Afternoon Friends,            Today I write the blog that how to configure Java Development Kit in Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10.      So First JDK must be download the package from the link. Make sure that you downloading the appropriate JDK compatible for your operating System. You can check the OS type 1.       Open cmd and type systeminfo if Operating System Type If System Type: x64 Based PC The Download JDK for 64 bit Or if it is x86 so download for 32 bit. On Oracle Website Click and Download the JDK as Per Your OS. To Download The JDK . ( Click here. ) As per above image accept License Agreement. After Download the Package install the exe by clicking on the file. ·          To Check the configuration o    Open cmd and type >   java –version Configuration Checking Windows Now you can write Java program and can compiler and run them on cmd or any IDEs. Example.. I has written the program using cmd. Fi